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My goal has always been to have an active presence with the families that I work with, offering guidance at every step. That is why I like to keep you up-to-date with the latest financial insights in financial planning, retirement, investment and aged care planning and management.


Reducing risk in retirement

We all think things will turn out better for ‘us’ than ‘them’. Such optimism can serve us well in life, but when it comes to money, balancing bias with facts is a much safer option.

When it comes to your retirement there are four main risks that can impact your income

Maximising wealth together: Super contributions for your spouse

Maximising super contributions for your spouse is a smart financial move that can benefit both your partner and your family’s long-term financial security. By actively contributing to your spouse’s super account, you not only help them build a more substantial retirement nest egg, but also enjoy potential tax benefits in the process. However, it’s essential to understand the eligibility criteria, contribution limits, and potential implications on other aspects of your retirement plan and estate planning.

Five rules of money management

No matter your income level or financial goals, everyone can benefit from developing strong money management skills. Here are five rules of money management that can help build a solid foundation for financial wellbeing.

Changes to Tax Cuts from 1st July

The Government has passed legislation to amend the tax cuts which apply from 1 July this year. The changes are explained below, along with some things you may wish to think about to help maximise your savings.

The money conversations you need to have

When was the last time you talked about money? You might struggle to remember. Your personal finances or debt position are hardly dinner party material but there are plenty of other reasons we don’t often talk about money.

Make your money work harder – pitfalls to avoid

The expression “a fool and his money are easily parted” is not as relevant today as it once was. These days, scams and fake investment schemes can be very sophisticated and difficult to tell apart from the real deal. That said, there are some key clues to look for to avoid losing your money to a scam.

What to do if you’re 55 and have no retirement plan

Retirement planning is one of those things that often gets pushed to the back burner. When you’re young, it’s easy to convince yourself that retirement is light years away and you’ve got plenty of time to figure it all out. But life has a habit of going by real fast and all of a sudden, you’re 55 (or thereabouts) and realise that retirement is just around the corner.

An introduction to managed funds

Managed funds may give you access to a broader range of investment types by pooling your money together with other investors. Find out how they work and if they’re for you.

Getting smart about savings

Saving money doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Some people are wired to save – for others it takes a bit more discipline. But developing good savings habits can do so much for both your financial wellbeing and your future security.

How to give your finances a health check

How healthy are your finances? Isn’t it time you put your own financial wellbeing front and centre? You can take control of your financial future quickly and easily, with a simple financial health check.

Just like your physical health, it’s worth giving your finances a checkup once in a while. Over time, unhealthy spending habits can creep in, threatening to derail your progress. Here’s how to give your finances a health check and find out where you can make some healthy gains.

50/30/20 budgeting strategy

Having a budget can help you stay on top of bills, pay off debt and save for long or short-term goals. There are many ways to go about it.

One budgeting strategy is the 50/30/20 approach, which requires you to designate a portion of your earnings to three categories.


Keep up to date with the latest insights in financial planning.